Repurchase obligations can often feel like a blackbox: data goes in, and complex numbers come out without much clarity on what's driving the results. Our Repurchase Forecasting system is designed to provide ongoing visibility into your company's future obligations, instead of a single, static, point in time snapshot.
The Repurchase Forecasting system works by gathering key plan data—including the plan document, participant census details, loan information, and more—and uses these inputs to construct a dynamic model of your ESOP's future repurchase obligations. This integrated model accounts for plan rules, participant demographics, and relevant financial assumptions, so when you adjust factors like a distribution policy or company value growth rate, you can see how these changes impact the plan's liabilities. This real-time approach ensures that your forecast remains up to date, offering you greater visibility and confidence than traditional, point-in-time repurchase obligation studies.
The platform is designed to be as straightforward as possible, starting with our Model Editor. Here, you can adjust assumptions on employee turnover, retirement age, diversification rates, valuation growth, and other variables. With every adjustment, you'll see how the projected payouts shift in real time, giving you an immediate sense of how various factors shape your future repurchase liabilities. This level of transparency is especially helpful if you're trying to plan for peak obligation years, align with cash-flow projections, or figure out the best approach for handling participant repurchases. Instead of sifting through multiple spreadsheets, you'll have a centralized hub for all of your ESOP's core data.
Alongside the Model Editor, our Scenario Analysis feature offers a deeper dive into potential outcomes. If you're concerned about sudden spikes in turnover, you can create a scenario that reflects a higher-than-usual attrition rate. If you expect more employees to elect diversification options, you can explore how that choice might ripple through your plan's finances.
By laying out this information in comprehensive tables and clear visuals, the system lets you filter results by participant demographics, salary amounts, account balances, and more. You can quickly focus on specific groups or attributes, making it easier to see how changes in plan policies or employee behavior could shift overall costs.
These different pathways are at your fingertips, making it easier to strategize on the best course of action. You might decide to modify your vesting schedule, adjust plan policies, or set aside additional liquidity to handle share repurchases—whatever fits your organization's needs and long-term goals.
Leveraging built-in AI-powered analysis, you can ask questions anytime you want about different scenarios, model variables, or cash flow planning. If you notice a spike in obligations for a particular year, or wonder how turnover assumptions might affect future liabilities, the AI repurchase analyst will guide you to the relevant data and recommend possible next steps. This interactive support offers deeper insights into your forecasts, ensuring you're never left guessing about how your plan is performing or what adjustments might be needed.
A key part of managing repurchase obligations is ensuring all stakeholders have a clear view of the plan's future. With our platform, you can share dynamic forecast dashboards directly with trustees, board members, and other external partners, allowing them to see real-time updates and dive into relevant data. For those who prefer offline reviews or formal presentations, you can generate PDF exports with just a few clicks.
This collaborative approach encourages team-wide alignment, making it easier to coordinate on strategy and plan for your ESOP's repurchase obligations. Instead of juggling multiple spreadsheets or waiting for manual reports, everyone can work from a single source of truth—helping you make confident, data-driven decisions every step of the way.
Repurchase Forecasting is not a replacement for a full sustainability analysis. The system focuses on projecting future obligations, and not on maintaining an ESOP's long-term viability which involves deeper evaluations of projected cash flows, balance sheets, operational plans, and factors like M&A activity.
Our Repurchase Forecasting solution is priced at $10,000 per year and comes with the Village Guarantee: if you're not satisfied with the system or your experience, you can receive a full refund at any point within a year of signing your agreement.